Lets Get To Know You Better
Please answer a few questions to help us aline with your marketing goals.
Lets Get Started
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Company Name
Website / URL
How many customers do you currently have or average sales per month
Number of Leads Per Month
Average Cost Per Lead
Whats your goal? (How will you measure success?)
How are you currently generating leads/ getting sales
What is your lead source or what marketing are you doing to generate sales?
What services and products would you like to advertise? Please, share website links.
Which emails would you like lead notifications to go? Please list all emails.
Do you have a Calendy Link? Please paste here.
Can you name two to four of your direct competitors?
Which location(s) would you like us to advertise and what locations or mile radius do you want to show ads for? Are there specific cities you'd like to target? Please list them.
Where would you like to advertise? Check all that apply
Facebook & Instagram Ads
Google Ads
TikTok Ads
LinkedIn Ads
Monthly Ad spend budget?
Would you like to add Automated Text Messages to your ads? (Cost Dependent on Usage)
What is your best phone number that you would like potential clients to see on ads and call to?
What is the best phone number to send lead notifications via text to?
What're your hours of operation?
Do you have a folder with images and videos you'd like us to use on ads? Please share links below.
What offers can we give to your clients in the ads? Examples: Discounts, free applications/consultations/etc, guaranteed results, money back, and so on. Please list 3 or more examples
What gender(s) do you want to target?
What age group do you want to target?
What are the main keywords someone would search online to find your service or product?
What are the main keywords someone would search online to find your service or product?
Please share the log ins to your domain hosting below.
Please share the log ins to your website (User Name & Password)
Please share the log ins to your Google My Business
Please share the log ins to your CRM below (If one exists).
What is the name of your Ads Account?
Please add dannyadivo@gmail.com as an user on Google Ads (If applicable)
Please add Dannyadivo@gmail.com as an admin on Facebook Ads Manager
Please add Dannyadivo@gmail.com as an user on Google Tag Manager (If applicable)
Please add Dannyadivo@gmail.com as an user on Google analytics (If applicable)
Adding {{itemName}} to cart
Added {{itemName}} to cart